Thanks to Tim “Lucho” Waggoner on the Endurance Planet, I’ve been hearing a lot about training an aerobic base and using the Maffetone Method as a starting point.

Here are the top-4 reasons to remain aerobic in the base-phase as found on an article from

1-Anaerobic training can decrease the # of aerobic muscle fibers.

2-Lactic Acid produced during anaerobic training may inhibit the AEROBIC muscle enzymes which are necessary for triathlon-specific energy usage.

3-Anaerobic training raises your respiratory quotient. This means that you % of energy derived from sugar (which is limited) increases………while % of FAT (almost unlimited) used decreases.

4-TOO much anaerobic stress inhibits the aerobic metabolism by raising cortisol levels. Cortisol is a catabolic (as opposed to an ‘anabolic’) hormone that negatively alters insulin levels to rely on sugar USAGE instead of fat usage. Cortisol is a muscle stripper by converting it to fuel as well.

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