Week 3/12/12 – 3/18/12

Monday – Rest.
Tuesday – 1 hour run. Forced rest.
Wednesday – 1 hour run. 4.56 miles, 1:10:56, 15’15″/mi. Target HR BPM 135-145. Avg HR 147 BPM. 57°F, Light Rain, Wind: 13 mph.

Thursday – 1 hour run. Forced rest.

Friday – 1 hour run. 4.52 miles, 00:56:53, 12’34″/mi. New MAF range: 154-164. Stayed in range for 3.5 miles. Went anaerobic last mile. 57°F, Light Rain, Wind: 12mph.

Saturday – 1 hour 50 minutes. Forced rest.
Sunday – Rest.

Son got sick the weekend before this weekend and it cause a planned hour run on Monday to be a rest day. Basically swapping rest days.

Lost a Tues workout day this week. Will have to try to try to make it up with some intensity in other runs this week.

Wed’s target HR BPM 135-145 as my MAF range, but now thinking I can use 154-164.